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Adv. Research Strategy and Industry Reports

Course: Communication Research Methods, Dr. Gomez-Vasquez, Fall 2021

Deliverables: Industry Report, Client Presentation, Social Media Info Post

Industry Report

This in-depth report analyses the website content and visuals of popular, new age local coffee shops King State and Willa's Provisions, including recommendations.

Client Research Presentation

Over the course of the semester, our team worked with The University of Tampa's Office of Career Services in order to boost its student engagement in its events and services.

Methodology: A/B Testing, Focus Groups, Heat Maps, Word Association, Qualitative + Quantitative, Social Audits, Content Creation

Platforms: Brand24, Claritas, Qualtrics, Canva

Team: Andrea Moreno, Grace Mercer, Emma Lynch, Myself

Mock Instagram Posts

In order to promote the benefits of social network analysis, this info-post is designed to blend with Hootsuite's current Instagram feed.


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